silence rape accusations, the case in four acts

Where is Peng Shuai? The question has animated the world of tennis, and beyond, since the disappearance of the Chinese player, in the wake of accusations of rape against a Chinese politician. Between the mobilization on the networks and the responses of the Chinese authorities, return to the case in four acts.

1Peng Shuai accuses Chinese politician of rape

On November 2, 2021, Peng Shuai published on Weibo, the main Chinese social network, accusations of rape against Zhang Gaoli, former vice-premier between 2013 and 2018. She accuses the top Chinese leader, now 75 years old, for having raped her in 2018, before starting an extra-marital relationship with her. “That day I was not consenting and I cried the whole way, she writes. Even if it’s trying to smash a stone with an egg and cause my own destruction, I’m going to tell the truth.“Censorship is immediate, the post disappears from Weibo in less than half an hour, like any comment related to the case.

2The missing player

But his testimony has had time to be picked up on social networks and in foreign media. Since then, Peng Shuai has not appeared publicly and has not posted on her social networks. Was she the victim of a “solitary confinement“, the forced placement in a house under surveillance by the Chinese authorities? Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, for several months in 2011, or businessman Jack Ma, since October 2020, have thus disappeared after criticism of the government Chinese.

3#WhereIsPengShuai, the movement is rapidly gaining momentum

Faced with the terrifying silence of Peng Shuai, social networks are mobilizing. The hashtag #WhereIsPengShuai (“Where’s Peng Shuai?”) Appears on November 11 and is quickly picked up. Several stars of the circuit speak publicly. “We must not remain silent ” writes on Twitter Serena Williams, the American legend with 23 Grand Slam victories. “The whole tennis community must support her and her family, be sure that she is safe and sound “, Says world number one Novak Djokovic at a press conference.

Steve Simon, president of the WTA women’s circuit, says he is ready to sever economic ties with China, an important source of income for women. Before the health crisis linked to Covid-19, the Asian superpower hosted part of the end of the season, with several tournaments including the Shenzhen Masters (moved to Guadalajara in Mexico this year). Outside the world of sport, Joe Biden first, by threatening to boycott the Beijing Olympics, then the UN, which asks for proof of life from the Chinese, international pressures are increasing.

4China retaliates, doubt remains

Faced with the controversy, the Chinese government is reacting. On November 17, Chinese public television published an email attributed to Peng Shuai and intended for the WTA. “THERecent information, including accusations of sexual assault, is false, can we read. I am resting at home and everything is fine.“This email does not convince, especially Steve Simon.”This statement only increases my concern about his situation and his safety., says the president of the WTA. I tried to contact her several times without success. ”

On Friday, November 19, four photographs of Peng Shuai were posted on Twitter by Chinese state journalist Shen Shiwei. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Global Times, posted a video showing the player at a tennis match.

These are proofs of life. She is indeed alive, but this is not proof of freedom“Pierre Haski explains to franceinfo. Nineteen days after the publication of his testimony on Weibo, Peng Shuai has still not been able to express himself publicly or to a non-Chinese media.

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