Silence! In public, Meghan Markle uses this secret signal when she wants Prince Harry to stop talking!

Since Prince Harry announced to his family that he was leaving London to try a new life in America, it is Meghan Markle that many commentators hold responsible for the Megxit. And rightly so, says a body language expert this week. Followed by many fans of royalty, Youtubeur Jesús Enrique Rosas explained to the Daily Express how the Duchess of Sussex subtly signaled her man to be quiet during their public engagements.

This signal for him to shut up

The former actress Suits, a red carpet regular, reportedly has a secret signal she uses to tell Prince Harry that he’s talked too much already and it’s time to move on. On the Web, Jesús Enrique Rosas has already published a Youtube video where he analyzes several public appearances of the couple, and in particular the Wellchild awards event in 2019 and the Salute to Freedom Gala in 2021.

>> See also: Meghan Markle finally shows her daughter: that’s it, she shared a first photo of Lilibet Diana!

The professional spotted Meghan Markle’s technique for “to stop Harry from speaking”. To our British colleagues, he comments: “Meghan and Harry were attending the Wellchild Awards in 2019 and they were talking to some of the families there… Harry was still talking to them, quite engagingly, when Meghan literally stood up and silently ordered Harry to stop and get up using just her body language“.

With a simple gesture

But how did she do it? Jesús Enrique Rosas replies that when she is ready for Harry to end a conversation in public, Meghan Markle does not express it verbally but with a discreet gesture that escaped everyone. He details: “Meghan makes this signal to end conversations: she touches people”. Whether it was for one or the other evening or even the interview with Oprah, when she wanted “Have Harry stop talking, she used that gesture“.


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