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If the number of burglaries has been stable at the national level for two years, certain departments are much more affected than others, which can give rise to nightmarish situations for the owners.
In a district of Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis)guard dogs are on the alert, and surveillance cameras and gates are installed to deter burglars from entering residences. However, this device is not enough to keep burglars away. In the neighborhood, many residents claim to have been robbed at least once. For two years, at the national level, the number of home burglaries has been stable, but this average hides great disparities.
Between 2020 and 2021, for example, the number of burglaries increased by 54.6% in Haute-Vienne, the most affected department. Conversely, burglaries are down sharply in departments such as Nièvre, where they fell by 27.1% over the same period. Some territories are also hit by sudden waves of burglaries. The gendarmes sometimes make rounds in these areas to monitor the houses that are left vacant the day, while their owners are at work.