significant mobilization of dual nationals in Brussels


Video length:
2 min


Solidarity is being put in place to help Morocco. It is particularly expressed in Belgium where a large community lives. Update with Laurent Rodo, from the France 24 service.

They are Belgian, of Moroccan origin. Many people give their time to help the Moroccans there, even if it is hard to know when the help will arrive. There is no longer a minute to lose for the volunteers. As soon as they learned of the opening of the collection points, people came to drop off donationss in a warehouse in Anderlecht (Belgium). “Everyone wants to help with the means we have”specifies a resident.

Help to come

Brussels is one of the regions home to the largest Moroccan community. “It’s our second country, because we’re also Belgian”specifies one person. “We felt helpless. When we saw this circulating on the networks, we had to be there”, continues another resident. The volunteers pprioritize certain products, notably generators and tents, sleeping bags. Donations could be sent in the coming days.

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