Significant increase in carbon monoxide poisoning since the start of power outages in Montreal

More than sixty cases of carbon monoxide poisoning leading to emergency visits have been reported in the last hours to Montreal Public Health, which calls on people facing power outages to show of caution.

Since Wednesday, hundreds of thousands of Montrealers have been plunged into darkness. In this context, many citizens have decided to use auxiliary heating devices, notably fueled by natural gas, inside their homes. Others, for their part, have used cooking appliances intended for outdoor use in their homes, such as charcoal-fired barbecues.

However, “this poses a major risk of carbon monoxide poisoning”, notes in a press release the CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, which has noted more than sixty cases. poisoning in the last hours, “an exceptional situation”. “The situation is particularly worrying in the neighborhoods of Lasalle, Montreal North, Saint-Laurent, Ahuntsic and Pierrefonds,” the statement added.

The emergency room is overflowing

The numerous cases of poisoning reported in the metropolis have also had the effect of increasing the pressure on the emergency rooms of several hospitals, which show occupancy rates in some cases exceeding 200%. A man is also dead after having returned his barbecue to his residence in Saint-Eustache, announced Friday the Prime Minister of Quebec, François Legault, during a press briefing held in Montérégie.

In interview at Dutythe head of the emergency measures office of Montreal Public Health, Simon Bilodeau, recalled that carbon monoxide poisoning can lead, in extreme cases, to loss of consciousness or even death.

However, such poisoning “can be avoided by not using combustion devices intended for outdoor use, indoors,” insists Montreal Public Health. The latter therefore recommends that people faced with a power outage should rather go to one of the emergency accommodation centers and heat stops opened by the City if they need to warm up.

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