Significant increase in absences from the school network

The number of students and teachers absent due to COVID-19 has increased significantly over the past week, even if their absence rate is still below 2%.

Between March 22 and March 29, the number of absent students rose by 75%. Last week, 14,015 students stayed home due to the virus, a figure that jumped to 24,489 according to the latest statement posted online this morning. The absence rate is 1.8%.

Among teachers, the increase is even more marked, reaching 83%. More than 1,600 teachers are on forced leave, or 1.05% of them.

However, these figures are far from the peaks reached in early February, when the absence rate was nearly 5% among students and 2.3% among teachers.

Two schools are currently closed or partially closed.

More details to come.

source site-64