Side Flavors we cook the frogs

Claudy gave us recipes like frog legs salad. He also shared with us his recipe for a pie and a delicious fricassee.

For his part, Jean Pierre, who listens to us in Nancy, gave us his recipe for frog pie

Our leader

Claudy OBRIOT is one of the most famous chefs in the Vosges, he runs “la Grange Obriot” at La Baffe in the Epinal forest.

Our culinary expert

Séverine BERTHEAS is a research professor at the University of Lorraine and she is a nutritionist, she reminded us that the carnival donut… It’s not light!

One day a trade

Because local trade is very often a guarantee of confidence in the products, and it is also a short circuit, every day we go to see our merchants to find out about seasonal products, their favorites, and the price… Today we contacted our butcher, Mr. EDOUARD, at the central market in Nancy, he told us that he had the first arrivals of lamb and chicken from Bresse.

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