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A dozen patients are preparing to file a complaint for involuntary injuries against doctors who prescribed them certain antibiotics, fluoroquinolones. They suffer from side effects that are sometimes very serious and irreversible. Decryption, Monday March 13, with journalist and doctor Damien Mascret.
Among the adverse effects caused by fluoroquinolones, some patients have suffered from tendonitis, which can go as far as rupture of the Achilles tendon. “We also have joint inflammation, that means an inflammation that goes swollen and painful, then we can have photosensitization, an exaggerated reaction to the sun “, decrypts Damien Mascret. “Even more serious, adverse effects have directly affected the cardiovascular system, with heart rhythm disorders and sometimes even rupture of the aorta. (…) Even more embarrassing, some have seen their peripheral nerves affected, which can be irreversible”.
Specific cases
Nevertheless, the specialist believes that these antibiotics should not necessarily be banned. “These are very good antibiotics, when you respect the prescription restrictions that have been set by the Medicines Agency“, he argues, while recommending to use the fluoroquinolones than “when there is no other possible antibiotic“.
“They should not be used in bronchitis, in nasopharyngitis, in simple cystitis. On the other hand, yes, this antibiotic will remain valuable in certain life-threatening infections, in kidney infections and many bone infections.“, concludes the doctor.