Shy’m reveals her hair fail: “This cut is not going at all at all”

Shy’m and her hair is a bit of a Luv story. Since her career was launched in 2005 thanks to producer and singer K-Maro, Tamara Marthe, her real name, has multiplied styles and hair tests with varying degrees of success. Endless length, straight, curly, square hair, boyish cut… Shy’m is never shy when it comes to changing your look. Her capillary audacity has already earned her some criticism in the past. So now, Shy’m relies on self-mockery to counter his detractors. As she did in her Instagram story (see slideshow) this Friday, June 10.

No going out to the hairdresser or friends coming home to concoct a hairstyle with little onions this time. And fortunately. In two short videos, Shy’m unveiled his not really wanted new face. In a jogging jacket lying on a sofa, her curtain fringe is acting up. Parted in two on the front, the hair curls up and the unflattering shape it takes makes her look funny. Shy’m the first to be aware of it: “No, but this haircut is not going at all!” she wrote on the images, trying in vain to put it all back in place. Fortunately, a shampoo and the drama is quickly forgotten.

If it has nothing to do with his will, this is not the first time that Shy’m hair has been talked about. Everyone remembers in particular the arrival of the interpreter of Victoire on the red carpet of the NRJ Music Awards ceremony in 2015. Chic in a classic little black dress with a plunging neckline, her hairstyle unfortunately overshadowed to her outfit. It must be said that the cut she wore was enough to make all the Tchip salons in France tremble.

The length had certainly remained intact but did not really catch up with the rest, a straight mini-fringe ending just above the eyebrows Spock style in star trek, the sides of the ears shaved white. An explosive look that became a buzz on the web that she never adopted again. Let’s hope that her son Tahoma’s pretty curls don’t suffer from the scissors (and madness) of her famous mom!

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