showdown with the government to organize a citizens’ convention

Gérald Darmanin does not disarm. Despite a recent postponement of his immigration bill, the Minister of the Interior still plans to file a new one soon. Yet behind the scenes, the idea of ​​a citizens’ convention on the subject is attracting more and more people.

It is an idea that starts from a simple observation: since the Pasqua law of 1986, 21 laws have been voted on immigration, asylum and nationality. That makes a text every 18 months, lIt is a sign that since François Mitterrand, France has never succeeded in establishing a stable orientation on this subject, socially and politically accepted by all.

For its promoters, a citizens’ convention on immigration would make it possible to rest the terms of the debate in a peaceful and constructive manner, as was the case with the climate or the end of life. Behind this idea, we find a handful of associations, from Secours Catholique to Emmaüs, which came together last October when the government launched its own consultations. VShe NGOs gathered under the banner “For a peaceful debate” have been campaigning for six months: meetings from the Élysée to the presidency of the Assembly, from the ESEC to the ministries, etc. Their objective: that a citizens’ convention of several months allows each French person to grasp the complexity of the migratory question and to get out of shortcuts and political instruments.

Within the executive, there are several clans. The most sensitive to the question is Olivier Véran, the government spokesman. He has repeatedly positioned himself for such a citizens’ convention. On the other side, there are those who are fiercely against it. Unsurprisingly, the right of macronie: Gérald Darmanin or Aurore Bergé.

Between the two, there are those who wonder. According to our information, the question was at the heart of a debate on Monday at the Elysée Palace during the majority meeting before the President’s speech. Emmanuel Macron has never officially said what he thought of it, but it is rumored that he could perhaps be attentive to the idea.

The text carried by Gérald Darmanin no longer has a majority

For macronie, there may be a window. Organizing a new citizens’ convention would respond to the desire of the population to have a say in public policy. Moreover, opinion studies show that the subject is not currently among the priorities of the French. “You have to take advantage of it, it will be less emotional”pleads a cabinet member.

Finally, politically, there is above all a principle of reality. Initially, the immigration text was supposed to federate the right with more firmness on deportations, and the left with work permits for jobs in tension. Thishe conjugation of “at the same time” is no longer relevant. Today the majority has no allies for this text. A citizens’ convention could be a way out and could give citizens a voice on immigration before parliament regains control.

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