show your best profile!

Mouth full

Not surprisingly, you have to start by smiling! This is an imperative for 71% of people, who above all expect to be reassured by your photo. Well after that, don’t panic about the prison doors: there are still almost 3 people out of 10 for whom being angry is cute.

No scam

The other mega essential is to show yourself as close as possible to what you really are. We eliminate: all photos older than a year, those taken by professionals, those completely overexposed, moreover those retouched, those where it is the only day of the year when you were in a short skirt, the one where you got into a Ferrari… In short, the photos must be current, authentic, and as close as possible to your real life.

The perfect photo

Natural doesn’t mean getting out of bed in a stained sweatshirt. For your main photo, the one that everyone sees before entering your profile, you must make it classic and effective. Prepare like you do for work, get in the light of day, and prepare your setting well. For coach Lucie Mariotti, you should neither be too far nor too close (very close-ups are never flattering), and you must carefully check what is lying around behind you (moldy banana peels, no thank you).

A whole universe

The final touch: slip your own paw into this photo. The specialist insists on “the emotion that emerges”, the atmosphere that surrounds your photo. To do this, perhaps choose an accessory that represents you or symbolizes your passion. We must sense the person you are through these few clues. Put on glasses to show that you like to read, hold a glass of wine if you like good food, etc.

All it takes is a sign…

When it comes to emojis and stickers, be careful. They are not understood by everyone and can be misinterpreted! And then it’s double or nothing: some find it cute, others childish. When in doubt, it is better to avoid adding them to your profile photos or description.

*Study carried out by Havas and commented by Lucie Mariotti, for the Badoo site, October 2023

Anabelle Gentez

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