Dear listeners, dear listeners, it is mid November, we got rid of Halloween, we celebrated the peace this Thursday by dancing on the bridge, now it’s time for the future fiesta that is coming, I named Christmas . Today we are therefore going to ask ourselves the question that we do not have the answer:
Should we give strawberries for Christmas?
So I hear the ecologists leap from here in their breakfast ” How? ‘Or’ What ??? Strawberries ??? At Christmas ???? But anything is not the season !!!! “ Calm down calm down, I’m not talking about “Marat des bois, marat des bois extra” no. The strawberry I’m talking about is a piece of lingerie that we wear around the neck Louis XIV style and which has been brilliantly modernized by a Charentaise brand.
A strawberry to wear around the banana shot!
– Bresse chicken
It’s trendy, it’s in the theme. We started by making our shirt collars protrude from our sweaters, and then we thought it was nice when we also saw the sleeves sticking out, and then we even saw sweaters with integrated shirt collars to make an illusion or for questions of hygiene because if that is the case, the stylists said to themselves that we risked putting a clean sweater back on top of a dirty shirt so they hung them up like that, we wash both… The innovative ideas are leaving sometimes overwhelming findings… So where does this strawberry come from?
Charentaise strawberries on top of that! By 71Bis!
This comes out of the 71bis brand workshops, based in Cognac. It’s beautiful, it’s local, it’s the gift idea that goes well, we say thank you who? Thank you Poulette… Well in reality we say especially Thank you to Elise and Perrine who are the two creators of this brand of “ready to wear which is worn to sleep” – that’s their concept. They are entrepreneurs full of talent and humor – a bit like me Jean Luc – (ahem) and they had the idea to create removable collars and cuffss to spice up our winter sweaters a little. Did you say “pimp”? Yes pimp, from the verb I pimp, you pimp it means to make the thing more attractive example: “This old piece of furniture is old-fashioned, I’m going to pimp it up with pretty handles” Thank you chick, a good idea for a gift then this strawberry story, it’s local in addition, other tips maybe?
Christmas tips, it’s a gift, for you dear listener (eur)
Yes, I have a little tip for you regarding Christmas gifts. It will not slow down global warming but it can prevent your credit card from overheating. It was my sister who offered this to us a few years ago, kisses Cylou … and it works really well for adults, because for children we let Santa Claus of course (…) The idea is that ‘instead of offering a little shit to the 12 people around the turkey, we draw lots to give a gift to only one person. Each draws lots THE person to whom they will devote the budget they would have shared among all. That way we receive only one gift but a beautiful one, and then as long as we do as much to make lists eh, ugly sweaters are fine 5 minutes Unless we have a pretty strawberry to put with! And the circle is complete ! Conclusion, should you cut corners, you are free to decide!