should we give in to psychosis? Doctor Jimmy Mohamed restores the truth!

It is a phenomenon that is unfortunately becoming more and more widespread… In recent days, dozens of young women have explained that they were bitten without their knowledge while they were in a bar, a nightclub or even in a gym. concert.

Nausea, dizziness, cold sweats, semi-unconsciousness and sometimes loss of consciousness, while the “symptoms” of the product injected suggest that it was running is GHB, also called “the date rape drug”, it is sometimes difficult to know a posteriori what has actually been injected.

And for good reason, as doctor Jimmy Mohamed recalled in TPMP on Tuesday May 3, 2022, the product “disappears very quickly in the blood” since it remains barely “12 hours in the urine”… The reflex to have in case of suspicion therefore remains to go immediately to the emergency room.

How do you know you’ve been bitten?

“It’s almost impossible to confuse that with a mosquito bite. A mosquito bite doesn’t hurt, a spider and wasp bite, there’s still little chance of it happening in a nightclub… So if you feel something on your arm, it’s most definitely this kind of product (GHB) that you have been injected”, indicated the former columnist of TPMP.

“In these cases, you must not be alone to make sure that you are not going to be abused or assaulted”. Once the effect of the drug has dissipated, screening remains mandatory one week after the injection and up to three months after the injection. The reason ? HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C are transmissible by needle.

See also:

Lisa Ziane

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