Should we be afraid of vaccine cocktails?

Do you know what is the most common question heard by vaccination center staff since the start of the third dose operation?

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

Is it dangerous to mix vaccines?

Each time, the nurses and the doctors take the time to explain, to reassure. Because it must be said, some people, realizing that they will not have the same vaccine as the two previous doses, turn back.

Yes, people get up, take their coats and leave the place.

Radio-Canada reported on January 7 that “thousands of Ontarians” canceled their appointments or stood up from their chairs when they learned that they were going to receive the Moderna vaccine rather than that of Pfizer.

The Ontario Pharmacists Association has said that about half of customers eligible for a booster dose of Moderna in pharmacies refuse to have the vaccine.

In Montreal’s two main vaccination centers, the Olympic Stadium and the Palais des congrès, I was told that this is indeed “a situation that we observe on a regular basis”, without however wanting to offer me precise figures.

Remember that in each of these two centers, placed respectively under the responsibility of the CIUSSS de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and the CIUSSS du Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de Montréal, approximately 3500 doses per day.

In addition, there are a number of cancellations, including those from people who balk at the vaccine offered.

This situation obviously creates a puzzle. “It’s a problem, because someone who decides to leave or who cancels at the last minute deprives another person of an appointment,” Jean-Nicolas Aubé, spokesperson for the CIUSSS told me. of the Center-Sud-de-l’Île-de Montréal. In addition, it prevents the staff who travel every day from working well. ”

It should be noted that, for the moment, the vaccination centers mainly offer the Moderna vaccine. Small quantities of Pfizer vaccines are offered to people with medical needs or to younger groups.

The problem therefore arises when people who have already received the Pfizer vaccine are offered a Moderna vaccine. They fear less protective effects of this “cocktail”.

At the Department of Health and Social Services, I was told that it was understood “quite that some people might be reluctant to ‘mix’ vaccines. It is therefore important to transmit the right information to the population ”.

And this information is that research and data are increasing and showing that we should not be afraid to combine vaccines. The Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, said so recently during a press briefing.

It was imitated by the microbiologist-infectiologist Karl Weiss who, at the microphone of Marie-Claude Lavallée, at 98.5, said last week “whether we have one or the other, it does not change much. “. The Dr Weiss suddenly recalled the studies which affirm that combining the vaccines “would have even a small advantage”.

At the same time, the DD Mylène Drouin, regional director of public health in Montreal, wrote on Twitter: “You received the Pfizer vaccine in 1D and 2e dose and wondering about the Moderna vaccine as a booster dose? It’s normal ! The booster dose of Moderna is safe, effective and will increase your protection against the Omicron variant. ”

“There have been several studies that have been carried out to see the impact of these combinations”, confirmed to me the D.r Gaston De Serres, epidemiologist at the Institut national de santé publique du Québec.

The studies roughly all come to the same conclusion: the two mRNA vaccines can be used interchangeably.

The Dr Gaston De Serres, epidemiologist at the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec

So a third dose with a different vaccine is safe, as long as it is of the messenger RNA type, which the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are. These vaccines do not contain the virus. Rather, they use the body’s natural defense response by providing harmless genetic instructions given by mRNA.

In other words, Pfizer-Pfizer, Moderna-Moderna, Pfizer-Moderna, Moderna-Pfizer, the protection is the same.

You are saying to yourself at this point in your reading: but if, in the batch, I received the AstraZeneca vaccine, what happens?

Excellent question!

The Dr De Serres explained to me that those who received AstraZeneca (a viral vector vaccine other than mRNA; virus vector vaccines against COVID-19 block the S protein, thus preventing the virus from entering the cells. cells and infect them), mostly had it in the first dose and, in principle, received mRNA in the second dose.

So these people are also ready to receive third dose mRNA.

I received my third dose on Tuesday. One thing struck me. It is with what kindness and what tact the nurses and the doctors present (it is a dentist who gave me my vaccine) answer the same questions on these famous “cocktails”. Each time the staff explain it like it’s the first time.

Not sure I would have this patience … Bravo, ladies and gentlemen! You have all my admiration!

In closing, the best argument to convince those who still doubt vaccine combinations probably belongs to Dr De Serres, who told me: “The best vaccine for you is the one you can get. ”

All is said !

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