should the latest health restrictions be lifted?


France 2

Article written by

Y. Relat, M.-P. Samitier, N. Dahan, S. Lerch, P.-J. Perrin, E. Revidon – France 2

France Televisions

As France emerges from the Omicron wave, does wearing a mask in public transport or checking the health pass in hospitals still make sense?

It remains compulsory on public transport. But in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), this Friday, May 6, almost half of metro travelers no longer wear a mask. A barrier gesture of which some now find it difficult to understand the usefulness. “I find that it is no more important to wear it in public transport than at university, in an amphitheater, where there are 500 students and we have the right not to wear it anymore. For me, there is no consistency”says a student.

While the number of cases of Covid-19 has been divided by seven since the beginning of the year, is the obligation of the mask in certain places still justified? Yes, according to the president of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, because the circulation of the virus remains too high. The control of the health pass in hospitals and nursing homes is not unanimous either. “You can be positive without knowing it so it has no value in itself for me”says a woman.

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