should the government be stronger in the face of the health risk?



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If the Netherlands has chosen to reconfine their population for a few weeks, France, for its part, remains quite flexible while the figures for the Covid-19 epidemic are deteriorating. AT a few months before the presidential election, are the executive’s decisions guided by health or political considerations?

Olivier Gracia, writer and political editorialist, explains, Sunday December 19 on franceinfo, that Emmanuel Macron is a little stuck between the presidential campaign where he must show the image of a more flexible president and the obligation to protect the population facing the health risk. If the models of neighboring countries can force him to impose stronger measures, the next presidential election come home taken into account at a time when France is going through a wave of Covid-19.

In addition, each opposition candidate comments on the decisions taken by Emmanuel Macron, in particular Valérie Pécresse. The candidate LR took the subject of the pandemic at arm-the-body and nibbles points of the Head of State in the polls. The outgoing president therefore seems stuck between the presidential campaign, his desire to save Christmas and to show his closeness to the French and the risk of seeing an explosion of cases of Covid-19.

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