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Should the European flag be made compulsory, in addition to the national flag, on the facade of all town halls? The National Assembly must decide on this question on Tuesday May 9, Europe Day. The proposal is far from making the majority.
The European flag all year round on the pediment of the town hall of Saint-Jean-de-la-Ruelle, in Loiret, a satisfaction for the inhabitants. “I am proud, because we are all part of Europe, we are all together”, says a woman. Tuesday, May 9 in the National Assembly, a bill from the presidential majority is examined. Its objective: to make the French and European flags compulsory on all town halls. In Nevers in the Nièvre, the mayor has already taken the plunge for several years. “I think it’s a way of affirming that we are pro-European, therefore that we are for peace, that we are for working together”says Denis Thuriot, Renaissance mayor of Nevers.
Citizens remain divided
Other municipalities also have their flag. But the mayor of Vélizy-Villacoublay in the Yvelines, considers that this bill is far from urgent. “I think it’s not necessarily the subject of the French in relation to the current situation”, believes Pascal Thévenot. Citizens remain divided on a possible obligation. “I’m not sure that it is by making it compulsory that it will give people to be even more European”, advances a woman. The deputies of La France insoumise, the National Rally, but also of the Modem, have made it known that they would not support this proposal.