Should I take the extended warranty for my new Toyota RAV4?

I have just received my new Toyota RAV4 and there is a lot of insistence on selling me the extended warranty, bragging to me about its merits.

At first I didn’t want it but now I’m hesitant. Please enlighten me on the subject.


Hello Anne,

First of all, understand that the dealer’s insistence on selling you this warranty is explained by the very high rate of profitability that it generates with the financial director… This warranty may even, depending on the terms, be more lucrative for the dealer than the vehicle itself, what’s more if you add it to the financing of the vehicle!

Now, know that you have also purchased a very reliable vehicle that comes with simple and proven mechanics, including in the case of the hybrid. It is true that the problem called “CableGate” concerning the power cable of the electrical system has been problematic and very badly managed by Toyota, but since this one is known, you have absolutely nothing to fear (if of course, it is a hybrid model).

Therefore, I suggest that you instead use this same sum to pay for a nice week’s vacation in the South. My little finger tells me that you will enjoy it more!

See also: is an extended warranty worth it?

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