should children be vaccinated?



France 3

Article written by

Y.Relat, M.Martin, N.Tahar, M.-C.Lang, S.Korwin – France 3

France Televisions

Faced with the spread of the fifth wave and the outbreak of contaminations in children, will the vaccination of the youngest be announced following the health defense council, Monday, December 6?

Young children a little more numerous every day in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). In a few weeks, primary schools have become the place where the epidemic circulates the most in the territory. The authorities count 863 cases per 100,000 children between six and ten years old. An incidence almost twice the average.

So how to limit this spread among the youngest who then contaminate those around them? In Belgium, the Christmas holidays have been brought forward, while in Israel and the United States, children can be vaccinated for a month. The vaccine will soon be available in France, but the subject divides parents. For the time being, the Haute Autorité de santé only recommends vaccination for 5-11 year olds who have risk factors. For infectious disease specialist Benjamin Davido, “the urgency is the vaccination of adults”. Reinforced protocols, massive screening: several options are on the table.

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