One of the investigations was entrusted to the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police) for violence with weapons by a person holding public authority.
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Shots were fired by the police during a refusal to comply in Guyancourt (Yvelines), Sunday October 22 in the afternoon, franceinfo learned from the Versailles prosecutor’s office. The driver of the car is hospitalized and the two police officers who fired the shots have been taken into custody.
Two investigations opened, one by the IGPN
This Sunday afternoon, police spotted a driver behind the wheel of a vehicle stolen a few days earlier in Guyancourt. They chase the car to Villiers-le-Bâcle (Essonne) where they are supported by gendarmes. On the spot, they managed to corner the vehicle and approached it on foot to question the driver. The latter refuses to comply and starts again, rushing towards agents. Two police officers then responded with gunfire. The driver was finally arrested further away, he was shot and transported to hospital. The man, aged 19, is already known to the courts.
Two investigations were opened. One was entrusted to the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police), for violence with weapons by a person holding public authority. The other investigation was entrusted to the Rambouillet research brigade (Yvelines) for violence against a person holding public authority with a weapon by destination.