Shortage of Superior Court Judges | Soon “good news”, says Minister Lametti

(Ottawa) Federal Minister of Justice David Lametti assured the House of Commons on Friday that he would soon have “good news” to announce on the appointment of judges to the Superior Court of Quebec. The Bloc Québécois criticizes the minister for undermining public confidence in the judicial system.

“The system just doesn’t have the capacity to respond. When are they going to take the situation of vacancies in the judiciary seriously? “said Bloc Québécois MP Christine Normandin during question period.

The Press revealed Tuesday in an exclusive interview with the Chief Justice of the Superior Court Marie-Anne Paquette that the lack of judges had led this fall to the postponement of many civil trials. According to the Chief Justice, 12 judicial positions are vacant, but Ottawa is slow to make the appointments.

The Superior Court noted at least 29 “breaks in service” for lack of judges this fall. Also, a judicial district near Montreal was unable to hold hearings for a month this fall due to a lack of judges.


Federal Justice Minister David Lametti

The Bloc member thus asked Minister Lametti if he intended to fill the judicial positions soon. “We appointed 10 people this year to the Superior Court. There are nine places left to fill. We are doing it and I hope to have good news in the near future,” replied Minister Lametti, who is a Montreal MP.

“They have named only 10 since the start of the year. At this rate, it will take another year to fill the remaining positions! added Bloc Québécois MP Christine Normandin.

As a joke, the member added that the minister was “perhaps short of names on the Liberalist”. This private Liberal Party of Canada database was previously consulted for judicial appointments.

Minister Lametti again recalled that only nine positions are vacant at the Superior Court of Quebec. However, Chief Justice Paquette maintains that 12 positions remain to be filled.

On the other hand, the chief judge asks Ottawa to create nine new judge positions, a request supported by Quebec. Earlier this week, the Lametti firm explained to The Press that this request would be “considered within the framework of the budgetary exercise”.

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