(Québec) Pour aider les parents qui n’arrivent pas à trouver une place pour leur enfant en garderie, Québec solidaire demande au gouvernement Legault de leur octroyer une prestation d’urgence temporaire de 870 dollars par mois. Le ministre de la Famille, Mathieu Lacombe, refuse cette proposition.
Publié à 14h52
Alors que des parents associés au mouvement Ma place au travail convergeront vers le parlement à Québec samedi pour réclamer une telle aide d’urgence, la députée solidaire de la circonscription de Sherbrooke, Christine Labrie, soutient que la mesure « doit être une priorité dans le budget de la Coalition avenir Québec ».
« La CAQ n’a absolument rien à offrir aux parents qui, en ce moment, ont leur bébé dans les bras, n’ont plus leurs prestations du [Régime québécois d’assurance parentale]do not have a place in childcare services and sometimes end up in food banks because they are forced to deprive themselves of an income, ”criticized Wednesday Mme Labrie.
The member proposes that an emergency benefit “for parents of infants who have no place in daycare services” be the equivalent of “870 dollars per month, exactly the same amount that is offered to people who have a temporary constraint to employment, because not having a place in childcare services is a temporary constraint to employment”.
“I think it’s irresponsible to let families fall into financial precariousness like that, when we know, we know, it’s very well documented that it hinders the development of children. The government has been there to provide emergency relief measures to businesses during the crisis. Me, I ask them to be present also for the parents of infants, to recognize that there is a crisis, ”she said.
Quebec says no
In a scrum in Quebec City, the Minister of Families, Mathieu Lacombe, replied Wednesday that “the best strategy to solve the problem” of shortage of places in daycare centers, “is not to pay people to stay at home, it’s to do everything we can, to spend every dollar we have to promote the creation of places in the field.
“That’s what the parents really want, they don’t want to receive a check, they want to have a place. So we have to make sure that these places are available as soon as possible,” added the minister.
Asked about the message that parents will carry on Saturday within Ma place au travail, initiated by Myriam Lapointe-Gagnon, Mr. Lacombe replied that the problem will be resolved soon.
“I find it exceptional that young people of my age are mobilizing like this. I told them [que] what i wish is that we are the last generation […] to live this puzzle [pour] that the following generations, with their children, have a place much more easily,” he said.