Short Track | The Canadian team comes close to a first podium

Canada’s short track speed skating team came close to winning its first medal at the Beijing Olympics on Saturday morning in the mixed 2,000-metre relay. She finally had to settle for fourth place.

Posted at 8:56

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

The Chinese won the gold. The Italians and Hungarians completed the podium.

Florence Brunelle, Kim Boutin, Steven Dubois and Jordan Pierre-Gilles were the Maple Leaf representatives for the final. They relayed in that order.

While trying to overtake during her second stint, Brunelle fell and took with her the Hungarian who was skating just in front of her. Boutin, however, took over despite everything, allowing the Canadian team to cross the finish line in third place.

However, suddenly the race was over and after a few long minutes of checks, it was decided that Brunelle had pushed the Hungarian from behind. This penalty allowed the Hungarian team to win the bronze medal.

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