Short sentence from Macron, vaccine pass, Taubira’s candidacy, Simian affair … the “8:30 am franceinfo” from Clémentine Autain

Clémentine Autain, deputy La France Insoumise, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Saturday January 8, 2022. Small sentence of Emmanuel Macron who wants “piss off the unvaccinated”, masks and air purifiers, possible candidacy of Christiane Taubira … She answers the questions of Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

“Piss off” the unvaccinated: “It’s not a regrettable little phrase, it’s a worldview”

“I am not at all surprised that the President of the Republic assumes”, commented the LFI deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, in reaction to the controversial remarks of Emmanuel Macron on the non-vacinated. “He didn’t say it between two doors, it’s not an unfortunate or regrettable little phrase, it’s a worldview. He sincerely believes that there are those who succeed, and the losers.”, she adds.

Benoît Simian case: “I hope that the President of the National Assembly will come out of his silence and his culpable complicity”

Clémentine Autain denounces the refusal of the National Assembly to lift the parliamentary immunity of the deputy of Gironde Benoît Simian (Liberties and Territories, ex-LREM), referred to the criminal court of Bordeaux for “harassment” on his ex-partner.

“Christiane Taubira is not identified with a political project”

According to an Ipsos Sopra-Steria poll for Le Parisien and franceinfo published on Friday, Christiane Taubira does not break through in the polls, with 3% of voting intentions in the first round. “He’s a popular personality” corn “there is a lot of vagueness on the political proposals of Christiane Taubira”, says Clémentine Autain.

Covid-19: “This government is installing immeasurable chaos”

After two years of health crisis, “Emmanuel Macron is not able to produce masks. Today we know that the FFP2 protects considerably more than the fabric mask. It should be at school, free of charge, especially for the most vulnerable people”, calls the rebellious member.

Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of January 8, 2022:

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