shocking photos and huge rant of the actress…

On February 3, Corinne Masiero will blow out her 58th candle! The actress should, this year, find her Captain Marleau costume on France Télévisions for new episodes that millions of viewers have been waiting for for many months. Since 2015, the series has to be a real hit. The actress became a star and her notoriety exploded.

A little too much.

In an interview given to Current wife, the Northerner explained that some fans could exceed the limits.

“There are times when you need to be alone. Not everyone understands that”, she began. “I have been asked for selfies at a funeral and even in a palliative care unit”, she went on to explain revealing that “sometimes, [elle a] the impression of being a freak”. “When I am asked for an autograph, I try to engage in a constructive conversation on the interest of coming to the theater, the intermittents, the defense of values ​​which carry me”.

Passing through Culture Media ofEuropean 1 presented Philippe Vandel, Corinne Masiero had already mentioned the subject: “I’m not dishonest, as they say back home. I’m pretty polite, I don’t say ‘fuck you’, etc.”, she had said with her outspokenness that had become mythical. “I explain to people that I don’t like taking photos. So I don’t take photos”. “And when sometimes someone comes to talk to me, that I’m doing something, I explain that it’s not the time.” Nicolas Grard’s ex clarified: “In a public event, there is no problem: I play the game very willingly, very kindly and with great pleasure. What I don’t like is that people come and annoy me when I am intimate.”

The disadvantages of notoriety…

See also: Corinne Masiero: her rant against society


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