“Shocked and saddened”, singer Céline Dion breaks the silence and shares a moving message!

Celine Dion’s health has been worrying for many months… The reason? Last October, the diva was forced to cancel a series of concerts planned in Las Vegas. “ Now I have to focus on my health to get better quickly… I want to get out of it as soon as possible,” she had declared via her Instagram account before giving almost no news…

After two small appearances on Instagram to wish a happy birthday to her son René Charles and to wish a happy Valentine’s Day to her subscribers, the Canadian diva finally made her return to the Web this Tuesday, March 1, 2022. And for good reason , just like, Angelina Jolie, Bella Hadid, Laeticia Hallyday, Clara Luciani, Léna Situations, Amel Bent, Angèle and hundreds of other public figures, the interpreter of “Under the Wind” sent a message of support to Ukraine , currently invaded by the Russian army for almost a week.

“To you, brave people of Ukraine, we are with you wholeheartedly. We are shocked and saddened, but also greatly inspired by your bravery… You have our support and prayers for peace,” wrote Celine Dion. Statements obviously welcomed by Internet users!

“Bravo Céline, a great woman”, “Even sick, you defend good causes bravo! », « Thank you Celine Dion for praying for peace », « An incredible woman »can we read in the comments of the publication…

Lisa Ziane

See also: Céline Dion: These photos that are “scary”, the diva as you’ve never seen her…

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