“Shit bag”, “Get up and break yourself big fat”, Vianney in shock on discovering a video taken during the demonstrations in Paris: the singer explodes!

Demonstrations against the pension reform continue. This Wednesday, March 22, 2023, the tensions were palpable in the Place de la Bastille, in Paris. Shocking images posted on the Twitter Alertes Infos account showed particularly virulent police officers manhandling a homeless person. Lying on the ground, the latter receives kicks in the back while wiping violent insults. “Shit bag!”, “Go get up and break yourself big fat!“, can we hear the police say in the video.

Stunned, Vianney therefore took to his social networks to denounce the behavior of the police. “My military father always told me that the professions of arms were intended for people who knew how to remain calm and straight in the storm. These helmets obviously did not have the stuff of their function. recognize a lack of composure and humanity”, he wrote while sharing the publication in question. A position that aroused strong reactions.

See also:

The upset web

“Far from being all in the same bag, unfortunately it is those who smear their profession who are the most visible… This behavior is a shame, no matter from whom on whom, but even more so here”, “ It’s awful”, “The attitude is not acceptable, the problem is that we only see a very small part of the situation. And the rendering is necessarily biased”, “It’s so pathetic to see that , I have absolutely nothing against the police, but there… What do they fear from a harmless homeless person? Their hatred and their desire for superiority rob them of all humanity…”, “Shame on them for dealing with the homeless this way”, “How shameful! They should be punished for this! They take advantage of their function as a cop to afford any Poor homeless man who does not get out of his life, who struggles every day to survive and they take advantage that he is on the ground to hit him”, could we read in the comments. Images that tarnish, once again, the reputation of the police.


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