“She’s nice but…”, Romane Serda says everything she knows about Renaud’s new darling!

At 70, Renaud is a new man. The man who cured his previous addictions to cigarettes and alcohol is writing a new chapter in his life… And it is alongside a new loved one that the artist is now living happier days. And for good reason, the interpreter of “Mistral Gagnant” fell in love with a woman younger than him. Decades of difference (the latter being about 30 years old, editor’s note), which pushed the music lover to surpass himself.

The proof is this new idyll that would have made Renaud want to go back on stage and reconnect with his audience. “He wants to impress her. That’s what made him want to show that he knows how to do it and that he can do it.explained the companion of Patrick Loiseau to BFM-TV.

See also: Romane Serda, Renaud’s ex-wife reveals herself topless!

The revelations of Romane Serda on the new companion of Renaud

Invited on the set of “Chez Jordan” this Wednesday, March 22, 2023, Romane Serda, Renaud’s ex-wife obviously asked about the artist’s new romantic relationship.

And against all odds, the 52-year-old singer let it be known that contrary to what everyone thought, Renaud’s new companion was not called Cerise. “No that’s not his first name”she said.

Afterwards, Malone’s mother let it be known that she was happy for her ex-husband. : ” Everyone has his own life. It’s not up to me to say “yes it’s fine, it’s suitable”. I didn’t have a shock, it’s healthier on the contrary that he isn’t waiting. Because no matter how much I told him no, he continued to want… It wasn’t necessarily very healthy. So everyone has their own life and that’s fine. It’s nice like that. »

Finally, regarding Renaud’s new girlfriend, Romane Serda let it be known that she had already met him: “She’s nice, but I haven’t seen her much.” And to add: “I imagine that it is the great love between them after, I am not there behind the scenes…”


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