“She’s going to yell at me”: Sandrine Kiberlain reveals her mother’s astonishing passion

Close to her family, Sandrine Kiberlain partly dedicates her film to her elders. In A young girl who is well, she draws the life of Irène, 19 years old and drawn to comedy, before war interferes with her destiny. “The horror of that time“, which her grandparents experienced, the director wanted to portray her through the life, carelessness and lightness of her heroine. She is very proud that her project is finally seeing the light of day after four years of work: “I’m moved, I’m a little on edge, entrusted the mother of the talented Suzanne (21) to Philippe Vandel. I carried this film, I wrote it. I did the whole obstacle course, I wanted to live that, I lived it, it was one of the happiest moments. It’s a step“.

Sandrine Kiberlain began her acting career at the end of the 1980s and quickly shot for the greatest directors. Jean-Paul Rappeneau offered him a role in Cyrano de Bergerac in 1990, Jacques Audiard also in A very discreet hero in 1996. The same year, she was Alice in To have or not), feature film by Laetitia Masson. This role officially launched her career since she won the César for best female hope. It won’t be the only one. In 2014, she won the prize in the category of best actress. When will that be best director?

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