Sherbrooke | Three people arrested for a series of violent robberies

(Montreal) Three people suspected of having sparked a spiral of violence by attacking people in Sherbrooke on Monday evening before robbing them were finally arrested around 11 p.m., downtown.

Posted at 8:40 a.m.

The suspects, two men aged 29 and 22 known to the police and a 17-year-old girl were remanded in custody. They were arrested for robbery, break and enter, theft and assault. Charges of breach of conditions should be added for the two men.

According to what the Sherbrooke Police Service (SPS) reports, the first assault occurred around 8:30 p.m. on Denault Street. Two men attacked and injured a man before stealing his personal belongings, including electronic equipment.

Less than 30 minutes later, two tenants of a building on Boulevard Lavigerie suffered a home robbery, assault and robbery, but the victims were able to give police details of the suspects.

Finally, shortly before 11 p.m., a man who was walking with a lady on Kennedy Street North was attacked by two men and suffered serious facial injuries.

The various information collected by the police then enabled them to launch a search operation in several areas of Sherbrooke, which led to the arrest of the alleged criminals who were in a suspicious vehicle.

Objects from the first theft have been found.

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