Sherbrooke: drunk, he continues his journey despite his flat tires and the smoke

A septuagenarian who was driving with four flat tires and smoke coming out of his vehicle was arrested for impaired driving on Sunday evening in Sherbrooke.

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The Sherbrooke Police Service (SPS) was called to go around 8:30 p.m. to the intersection of Allard and Galvin streets regarding a vehicle that allegedly hit trees.

The witness to the scene told the police that the driver at fault “continued on his way with the lights off, the four flat tires and smoke coming out of his vehicle”.

The suspect was eventually intercepted on Moulton Hill Road.

“After a very brief discussion with the 74-year-old driver, the police officers are arresting him for driving while impaired by alcohol,” the SPS said.

The septuagenarian was released after failing the breathalyzer test. His driver’s license was suspended and his vehicle seized. He will appear in court at a later date.

The driver is not the only one to have taken the wheel while impaired in Sherbrooke during the weekend. In the night from Friday to Saturday, a 34-year-old man was also arrested for driving while impaired after driving into a parked car. The man was more than twice over the legal alcohol limit.

The same night, a drug-intoxicated 19-year-old man was also pulled over in a parking lot, where his condition was serious enough that he had to be assessed by paramedics.

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