Shenanigans and TSO in Maisonneuve-Rosemont | The situation “is not sustainable”, says Dubé

The situation at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital, in the east of Montreal, “is not sustainable”, declared the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé. Nine caregivers who work there reported to The Press the “scheming” to impose “compulsory overtime” and forced 16-hour shifts.

“When I read the article this morning, I cannot say that it is a situation that I enjoy. I have a lot, a lot of empathy,” said Minister Dubé in a press scrum.

The Press reported Wednesday that managers at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont hospital are using “schemes” to impose mandatory overtime (TSO). The testimonies collected by The Press report threats of punishment, intimidation and “emotional manipulation” to force caregivers to stay put.

Minister Dubé regrets that there is no local management of schedules in Maisonneuve-Rosemont. “Why have places succeeded between the local unions and the managers in agreeing so that there is no TSO? Why can’t we do that at Maisonneuve-Rosemont? “, did he declare.

“The situation at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital is not sustainable,” he added. However, it did not open the door to sanctions for the managers concerned.

For several months, Minister Dubé has been insisting that he wants to see the TSO disappear “as quickly as possible” and that this is an “exceptional measure”. He asks network managers “to find interim solutions” to avoid it.

With Fanny Lévesque, The Press

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