shelling in Mariupol despite ceasefire



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Russia has announced a three-day ceasefire around the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, the last stronghold of Ukrainian resistance in the city. The point Thursday, May 5 with Luc Lacroix, special correspondent in Mariupol.

“A Deluge of Fire” falls on the city of Mariupol (Ukraine) “and particularly on the Azovstal site”Thursday, May 5, reports Luc Lacroix, special envoy to Mariupol. Russia has however announced a three-day ceasefire around the steelworks, the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance in the city. 200 civilians could still be in the underground galleries of the site.

“In this district, everything is destroyed, the facades are still barely standing, they are charred”, continues the journalist. And this, even if the inhabitants “survive” still in some buildings. If many have “lost everything”their apartments and sometimes even relatives, they do not want to leave their city. “They tell us that leaving here, from the place where they lived, would be an additional drama”concludes Luc Lacroix.

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