Shell in the rectum | Fighting commotion in an English hospital

(London) A British hospital saw a commotion this week when a patient presented to the emergency room with a WWII shell in the rectum, with rescue workers fearing the charge could explode.

As a precaution, police and army deminers went to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in the west of England on Wednesday. But even before their arrival, the doctors had taken the lead and removed the projectile from the unfortunate’s seat.

“The object was removed before the police arrived, and the demining service was contacted. They went there and confirmed that it was not loaded and therefore presented no danger to the public, ”police said in a statement.

Cited by the tabloid The Sun, the first to report this incredible misadventure, a source at Defense described the anti-tank shell as a large pointed piece of lead, 17 by 6 centimeters.

According to Sun, the patient, who remained anonymous, told the doctors “to have slipped and to have fallen” on the artillery shell. The incident allegedly occurred while the civilian was cleaning his collection of military objects.

The British army and the hospital have confirmed the dispatch of deminers on the spot.

“As with any incident involving ammunition, relevant safety protocols were followed to ensure that there was no risk to patients, staff or visitors at any time,” a spokesperson said. of the establishment.

the Sun clarified that the patient was released from the hospital to continue his recovery.

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