Sheila victim of a bicycle accident: latest news from the singer after the operation

The year 2022 is his year! Sheila celebrates 60 years of career and she undoubtedly has many surprises in store for all those who have supported her from the start. Alas, his plans were somewhat turned upside down. Victim of asilly fall“on a bicycle, the singer cracked her femur neck and had to undergo an operation at the beginning of January. She had planned to go on stage in Teste-de-Buch, in Gironde, but had to postpone her concert to take care of her. We must believe that she was right to focus on the essentials since, on Instagram, the 76-year-old artist finally gave reassuring news of her state of health.

I finally see the end of the tunnel

Hello everyone and thank you for all your messages of encouragement and your wishes for a good recovery. I finally see the end of the tunnel and a priori the sun is shiningshe said on social networks, on February 10, 2022. The professor’s orders are: slowly, slowly… As usual, I’m making great strides and I have to arm myself with patience so as not to cut corners. The worst is over, and I’m working to resume activity as soon as possible.

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