Sheila makes a big announcement, after months of recovery

Indeed, at the end of last year, she had been the victim of quite serious health problems. An incident that she had recounted on her social networks, explaining that she had fallen on her bike. “For me, you know me, the end of the year was turbulent. A little bike ride, a stupid fall, and disaster… Crack in the neck of the femur!“A fairly serious injury, which had required several weeks of treatment.”Operation last Sunday, start of the rock’n’roll year. I would like to thank all the nursing staff at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital for their kindness, their dedication, their efficiency and their smile.“. A setback that had forced her to cancel several concerts but nothing to slow her down!

A few weeks later, she was still giving her news to her subscribers, explaining that she had to pay attention to her and her health. “I finally see the end of the tunnel and a priori the sun is shining. The professor’s orders are: slowly, slowly… As usual, I’m making great strides and I have to arm myself with patience so as not to cut corners. The worst is over, and I’m working to resume activity as soon as possible.“. We had still seen her on the show A flirt & A danceby Faustine Bollaert.

No retirement announced, therefore, for Sheila who continues to perform regularly on stage, as she has done since her debut in the 60s. During the first confinement, she even hosted a weekly show Sheila Tea Timeon his Instagram account but did not wish to participate in the vaccination campaign as the government would have liked.

The singer also cares for her baby daughter, Tara Rose, now 21 and half-orphaned since her father, Ludovic Chancel (Sheila’s son) died of an overdose in 2017. A drama whose interpreter of Theschool is over never recovered. Regularly, she still posts photos of her only son. The last date of July and paid tribute to the young man for the sad anniversary of the 4 years of his death. The caption was shocking: “You will never leave me…“. In any case, we wish him to get back on his feet quickly and to come back as soon as possible to see his audience!

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