Sheila and Fanny Cottençon accomplices for the 2nd edition of the Dreux Festival

The second edition of the Dreux Festival was held at the beginning of June, from Friday 10 to Saturday 11. Organized by the association City Lights, this event took the form of a competition of short films around the theme “Stories of women”. A festival sponsored by the director Éric Métayer and his wife Andréa Bescond, co-directors of the film Ticklesrewarded by two César.

The jury was notably composed of actress Fanny Gilles, the former companion of Bruno Wolkowitch. The couple met in 2003 on the set of an episode of the France 2 series, PJ. They are parents of a sublime model called Lou, born in 2006, and a boy named Luca, born in 2011. Last year, the 61-year-old actor announced that he had been separated from her for seven years.

A cast at the height of the event

The singer Sheila was also a member of the jury, she who paid tribute a few days ago to her ex-husband Yves Martin, who died a year ago. The interpreter of the Magi had shared her life for several years with the 65-year-old producer, when she was previously married to Guy Bayle, alias Ringo, the father of her son Ludovic. The latter unfortunately died in 2017 due to a cocaine overdose.

To accompany these two prestigious guests in the jury: the journalist of the show Click Catherine Ceylac and her colleague Charlotte Bouteloup, or the ex-actor of Scenes of households Loup-Denis Elion and his colleagues Philippe Rebbot, Marc Duret, Sofia Manousha and Fanny Cottençon. Without forgetting the editor Diane Logan, the screenwriter Isabel Sebastian as well as the elected Caroline Vabre who came to complete this exceptional cast, therefore composed mainly of women, which was rather fitting with the theme.

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