“She will be very sad …”: Jean-Pierre Castaldi concerned for his wife Corinne, much younger than him

Anouchka leads the investigation to unearth and find all the scoops related to the stars. No mission is impossible for this journalist with real coolness.

Since 1999, Jean-Pierre Castaldi has been married to the pretty Corinne whom he had met “by chance” on the ski slopes. Filled with his wife with whom he had two children, the father of Benjamin Castaldi explained to be very worried for his precious wife if he were to disappear…

In a relationship with Corinne for many years (thirty-four years), Jean-Pierre Castaldi spoke of his unconditional love for the one he considers the woman of his life with Jordan de Luxe on his show The moment of luxury. Although having received a lot of criticism at the time of their meeting (Corinne is twenty years younger than him), the former host of Fort Boyard has not abandoned their idyll, however, which he considers to be truly magical. “I say it because I have to remember it, but I I met her yesterday. 34 year olds [de vie commune] went like this“, he confided with great tenderness.

Married to her since May 29, 1999, Jean-Pierre Castaldi had two children with Corinne: Giovanni and Paola. Worried and worried about what could happen to them if he were to fall ill and no longer be of this world, Jean-Pierre thinks above all about protecting them. “I want her to be able to live happily because I know that she will be very sad when I leave”, he explained before specifying that he also had their house redone in Brittany. “I have to save her the day I’m going to die, let her have the means“, confided the patriarch of the Castaldi family.

Previously married to actress Catherine Allégret with whom he had a son, Benjamin Castaldi, Jean-Pierre Castaldi, who defines himself as a “very sensitive“, had revealed the secrets of his meeting with Corinne to the journalists of the magazine Paris here in July 2020.”I met on skis a young girl 20 years younger than me, my wife of thirty-two years. Our life is an association. She handled the unmanageable, friends say. She brought me a certain serenity, and two beautiful children, rays of sunshine in my life. I’m spoiled“, he had explained.

The blended family of Jean-Pierre Castaldi is also a great success: “We meet every summer at Belle-Île-en-Mer. My last two have very special relationships with Benjamin’s sons, Enzo, Simon, still a student, and Julien who is in communications. And soon I will have a fourth grandchild.” Indeed, Benjamin Castaldi and his wife Aurore Aleman have become parents of a little boy named Gabriel who will be 2 years old on August 27th.

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