“She was going to leave”: Louis Bertignac without filter on Laetitia, his wife of 34 years his junior

Throughout his life, Louis Bertignac lived beautiful love stories. With the singer Valérie Lagrange, her friend from the Telephone group Corine Marienneau or the superb Carla Bruni. But the woman of his life is not a singer. Indeed, Laetitia, to whom he said “yes” last summer, is different in many respects from the women frequented by the 68-year-old musician in the past. And that’s also why, perhaps, that the couple has been living happy days for more than 10 years now.

On the occasion of the release on April 28, 2022 of his autobiography called nice little story (ed. Le Cherche-Midi), Louis Bertignac delivers himself without filter in the columns of the magazine Paris Match. He thus evokes his relationship with his half, 34 years his junior. “I meet her just before The Voice, I find her cute, cool and tender. She had something that no girl had with me: she loved me like no one had ever loved me. She was so young, she knew that I would be her manhe recalls. She chose me and I let things happen.

The ex-coach of the tele-hook of TF1 let himself be carried away by this story. Especially since he didn’t immediately have butterflies in his stomach…”At first it wasn’t mad love. I did not succumb to love at first sight. Maybe I was afraid to fail, that I was in no condition to fall in lovehe confides. And now I realize that it was the reverse of my previous stories. Usually, I’m instantly ‘in love’ and then everything falls apart. The, the more it goes, the more I love her, the more I find her beautiful.

I see myself dying in his arms

Crazy about his pretty Laetitia, Louis Bertignac admits having made concessions to keep her with him. Like giving in to her desire for motherhood. In November 2016, the couple welcomed Jack. He was already the father of Lola (born in 2004) and Lili (born in 2007), both fruits of his relationship with his ex-girlfriend Julie. “I thought I was done with fatherhoodhe admits then. I often said no to Laetitia when she talked to me about being a child. But I understood that if I continued to be stubborn, she was going to leave. Jack arrived almost six years ago. He may lose his dad before he turns 20, but I didn’t want to spoil this wonderful story.. And I don’t regret anything.

Today, the rocker evokes “the beginning of a real life, a capital life” with Laetitia. And to add: “Even if tomorrow is the great unknown, I see myself dying in his arms.“It must be said that everything is going well for the lovers who even form a blended family with the star’s first daughters.”They met Laetitia, we hugged and I understood that they would never forget me“, declares Louis Bertignac, visibly more fulfilled than ever.

The interview with Louis Bertignac can be found in full in Paris Matchon newsstands this Thursday, April 21, 2022.

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