“She was an extremely European monarch”, greets Patrick Martin-Genier, specialist in Europe

“She was an extremely European monarch”assured Thursday, September 8 on franceinfo Patrick Martin-Genier, teacher at Sciences Po, specialist in Europe, after the death of Queen Elizabeth II at the age of 96. “After Brexit, she kept her European feelings”, emphasizes Patrick Martin-Genier. Elizabeth II was “a world monument” and “unity, the national cement”. The main mission of Charles III, “it will be to restore trust with the British people”warns the specialist in Europe, and “it won’t be easy”.

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franceinfo: What relationship did Queen Elizabeth II have with Europe?

Patrick Martin-Genier: She was an extremely European, pro-European monarch. Much has been made of the fact that as a constitutional monarch she could not say what her opinion was. But many felt that wearing blue clothes or a hat with yellow flowers showed attachment to the European Union. It was important.

“She had very good relations with France. She spoke French. She was in love with Europe. She is a great European who is dying.”

Patrick Martin-Genier, teacher at Sciences Po

at franceinfo

She has traveled extensively everywhere, in a hundred countries, but particularly in Europe. She was also a woman who had received all the heads of state, who had taken part in the reconciliation with Germany. She was a woman who was deeply committed to Europe. And I think that, although she never had the opportunity to express it very clearly, she was against Brexit. After Brexit, she kept her European feelings. We can clearly see that Brexit has caused social and territorial fractures. And what is quite striking is that she died in Scotland. She also shows a European commitment, but also her desire to say that she was very attached to Scotland which, precisely, did not want to leave the European Union.

How to explain the unanimity of the tributes paid to him throughout the world?

In the UK, he was someone who was not criticized. She was above political parties, she did not engage in politics. It ensured national unity. He was someone who cemented this national unity as this country suffered a number of traumas. She was also very well known throughout the Commonwealth countries. She was head of state of 15 countries and the Commonwealth. She shone around the world. We were talking about the UK all over the world. The sun never sets when it comes to the Queen of England. She was also greatly admired in countries that were republicans, such as France, which still admires the Queen of England, and also in the United States.

“She was admired because she knew how to be a monarch who represented this national unity. She was a world monument. She was as well known as the pope. She was admired everywhere.”

Patrick Martin-Genier, teacher at Sciences Po

at franceinfo

Will a period of uncertainty begin or is the monarchy stronger than anything?

The monarchy was very strong with Elizabeth II. There may be a number of uncertainties. Although Charles will succeed his mother, he has not always been popular. Camilla Parker-Bowles, his second wife, was not always popular. But the couple managed to win the hearts of the British. Camilla Parker-Bowles is someone who is close to the people, who knew how to impose herself and gain respect. And Elizabeth no doubt felt the end was near, because, a few months ago, she had given an interview saying that her son Charles would be a good ruler and that she had complete confidence in Camilla Parker Bowles to succeed as queen consort. . She had asked the British to accept the successors well.

That said, you don’t reign like that for 70 years on the throne. She was the unit, the national cement when this country was extremely divided. It may not be certain that Charles can be this cement. He won’t reign that long. It could be disputed. The royal family, in general, has been challenged. We saw it with Andrew, with his sexual affairs. We have seen it on corruption issues. We saw it with Charles, who created controversy recently. He would have received funds from those close to bin Laden, even if naturally, he himself did not enrich himself personally. All of this created a climate of distrust of the monarchy. The main mission of Charles III will be to restore credibility and trust with the British people. But it will not be easy, because no one will be able to live up to the reputation of Elizabeth II.

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