“She was a funny, smiling, flirtatious young girl”

Shaïna’s family was able to speak this Thursday, June 8 before the Assize Court for minors of the Oise to present their daughter, stabbed to death and burned in 2019 in Creil. Psychological and psychiatric experts also detailed the personality of the accused, the victim’s boyfriend at the time of the events.

Gathered before the Beauvais court, the Hansye family seems to have shed an immense weight. ” For four days, I listened, listened. There, I was able to express myself, breathes Parveen Hansye, her eyes moist. You can’t imagine the number of negative things I heard about my daughter during this trial.”

Shaïna’s mother, 45, has just testified at the bar, just like her son Yasin and her husband Shakill, to tell who her daughter was, before she died tragically at the age of fifteen on October 25. 2019, stabbed then burned. Her boyfriend at the time, who must answer for the murder of the teenager before the Assize Court for minors of the Oise, proclaims his innocence.

I was able to express myself to tell the court who Shaina really was, that we keep a good image of her. She was funny, smiling, flirtatious!

Parveen Hansye

Shaina’s mom

Before their depositions, the members of this close-knit clan seemed exhausted by the proceedings on this fourth day of the trial, which takes place behind closed doors. Worn out by the course of the hearing, which operates incessant zigzags between hearings of experts and investigators – only heard at the end of the 3rd day – and those of character witnesses for the accused. Also worn out by the accumulation of testimonies from the latter, as sprinkled on the debates, to regularly remind that Shaïna had the reputation of an easy girl and the accused a young man without history. He continues to claim his innocence.

We must disconnect the trial from the testimonies. We have objective elements in the file: we have fadettes, geolocation, this wound of the accused on the leg. If we withdraw the testimonies, we have elements [à charge contre l’accusé] !

Me Negar Haeri

Lawyer for the family of Shaïna Hansye (civil parties)

We still hear a guy telling us that [l’accusé] is a great guy“, Yasin Hansye then breathed, on the steps of the court. Shaina’s big brother, usually very calm, had just been expelled from the courtroom for having insulted the suspect in his cubicle. “Frankly, it’s like a football match: it will be him against me, I will defend my sister”, he says later, before entering the arena to file in turn in front of the court.

Earlier in the morning, the court and the parties listened to the reports of the psychological and psychiatric experts who followed the accused. “Their depositions were able to remove a certain number of prejudices about the personality of Omar, believes Me Adel Farès, defense counsel.

[Mon client] is not a danger to society, he has no predisposition to become a bloodthirsty killer. (…) He presents Shaïna well as a flirt, affirms that he had affection for her, although it was not a mad love either.

Me Adel Fares

Defence lawyer

The 21-year-old suspect, however, failed to convince the civil parties. “He was given the floor, but (…) he eludes questions, never answers clearly. Nothing is clear about the 48 hours around the facts. He prefers instead to talk about his personal difficulties, arguing in favor of a miscarriage of justice. (…) He has a lack of empathy for Shaïna, exposes Me Negar Haeri, the family lawyer.

He is quite capable of empathy, and it is his defensive position today that explains his detachment from Shaina.“, replies his opponent in defense, Me Farès.

The trial of the suspect in the assassination of Shaïna runs until Friday, June 9, the day which will concentrate the pleadings, the indictment and the last word for the accused, who faces up to 20 years of criminal imprisonment. If the public prosecutor decides to lift the excuse of minority during his requisitions – because of the “adult” nature of the crime – the accused could incur life imprisonment.

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