she takes her colleagues to task, “a nice bunch of hypocrites”!

The comments made by the former Minister of Culture who became a columnist on BFMTV, Roselyne Bachelot, on the Pierre Palmade affair, are still reacting, the day after her intervention on the continuous news channel. In the BFMTVSD program presented by Jean-Baptiste Boursier, she declared that the comedian had awakened the “hatred of the rich in resonance with everything that is happening in France, hatred of billionaires, hatred of people who have money”.

“We are a beautiful bunch of hypocrites”

Words very quickly decried by the European deputy and lawyer Gilbert Collard, but not only… On the set of Cyril Hanouna, this February 27, the chroniclers of TPMP, they, too, have disavowed the former member of the government, considering her point of view completely inappropriate. All except one. Géraldine Maillet for her part estimated, in reaction to all the indignation of Gilles Verdez or Guillaume Genton: “We are a beautiful bunch of hypocrites”.

>> See also: Video: The chroniclers of the Grand 8 are “for” the display of French flags in front of the houses.

Daniel Riolo’s wife has indeed completed “We’ve been talking about him for a fortnight and we’re talking about him because he’s famous, because he was kind of wealthy, because we adored him, because we applauded him, because that he made us laugh and because it is an extraordinary news item, in the sense that it is horrible of the term”.

Géraldine Maillet challenges Yann Moix

Same thing concerning the recent skid of Yann Moix on the same affair. To the one who was also a columnist for C8, she said:He says that we talk too much about this news item, but he comes on a TV set to talk about it for half an hour. He makes the article that we talk about it too much by doing exactly the same thing as the others. By showing that he is far above the others, far more brilliant, that he understands better than the others“.

And to conclude with even more virulence: “He always has somewhat shocking formulas to shock the housewife”.


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