She speaks out against mass demolitions

The municipality of Beloeil intends to proceed with the block citation of 55 heritage buildings to stem, on its territory, a wind of demolition of the built heritage that is hitting all regions of Quebec.

What Quebec municipality decides, overnight, to cite, under the law, no less than 55 heritage buildings in order to ensure their protection as a whole? “It’s daring, I agree,” says Nadine Viau, the vigorous mayor of Beloeil. The municipality of 25,000 inhabitants, located in the Richelieu Valley, intends to put an end to the untimely demolitions that are ravaging the Quebec landscape.

“We give a big blow because too many citizens have accumulated disappointments. In recent years, the demolitions of heritage buildings have multiplied, ”laments the elected official.

“We have often let buildings go out of ignorance. But also, too often, because the legislation was insufficient. The history and heritage of a municipality are generators of belonging, of cohesion. We must collectively understand this as soon as possible. »

Before devoting herself to the design of economic development strategies for a private firm, Nadine Viau worked for a few years in urban planning for the municipality she heads today. She claims to have taken the measure of the problem from the inside. “I could see them clearly, all the political and regulatory dead ends that we were facing! We resigned ourselves to abandoning buildings for demolition when no one, however, wanted to see them disappear, except a promoter! »

The mayoress of Beloeil remembers a demolition that hurt her heart. “We had tried to prevent this demolition. But there are promoters who know the old trick of letting water flow in the middle of winter, like a river… After that, nothing more can be done. How can we come to do this? »

“I saw that the elected officials did not want to be forced to accept demolition projects, and yet they were forced to accept. There, things changed. »

Beauty nearby

Elected for the first time in November 2021, Nadine Viau deplores the lack of perspective with regard to our own living environments – and the value placed on them.

“We travel thousands of kilometres, as tourists, to see the world, its beauty. But for us, beauty is often the first thing we erase, on the pretext that it costs money to preserve it! Come on, that doesn’t make sense! »

“On the contrary, we must maintain a strong position. Yes, we have things to protect and which are worth it, ”she claims.

Is she against real estate development? The mayoress is not at all opposed to the idea of ​​increasing the density of municipalities. “Densifying does not mean obeying just any promoter’s logic. We have local shops, a village heart, a history, traces. You have to know how to bring people back to the heart of the village, but pay attention to everything that is fragile and precious. »

Act as a unit

Mayor Viau says she is responding to an emergency. “The message is very strong, the message is clear. It is: “Wake up!” »

Everywhere, she says, promoters are thirsty. “They want to build on large lots where there are often heritage buildings. Demolition requests are numerous. All of this deserves to be better framed, by setting limits that protect the public’s right to the beauty of their environment, she says. “We are entering into this file with a positive momentum, with a message that gives long-term meaning to the city. »

The city council is happy to follow her on this path, she says.

“We started the process on Monday. The draft regulation is tabled. Beloeil is there. And it represents the will of the population to defend its heart, its local shops, its buildings, which makes its beauty. »

Beloeil has around 25,000 inhabitants, and “we didn’t have any buildings mentioned! None ! exclaims the chosen one. “We understand that quoting one at a time won’t change anything. We cannot protect piecemeal, hoping that everything will be fine. It is a whole that must be taken care of, that must be protected. Because it is the whole that gives meaning to our community, which makes it rich. »

Protection and Subsidies

In his view, “heritage can be a source of collective inspiration. Heritage is what makes the character of our towns and villages. Beloeil is located on the Richelieu road. We have a story. Should we abandon the beautiful by telling ourselves that it costs less to demolish then to build new? This is a lie. It’s short-sighted. I think we need to take more precautions with regard to our environment, our environment. The beautiful must be defended”.

The municipality relied on a heritage inventory carried out by the MRC in 2015. “All buildings of high, superior or exceptional value will be protected,” said Mayor Viau. We watched them go, one by one, for years. But I think we have evolved. »

A first step was taken on August 21 before the city council. “We will have public consultations on September 14 to answer questions [des citoyens]. All owners have been notified by letter. So far, the general feeling is rather one of relief. Everyone would like to be able to preserve beautiful buildings. With the citation, this will give us collective means. »

These citations will also allow the owners of heritage buildings to obtain considerable subsidies for their development. The mayor expects everything to be in effect by October.

“I don’t know if we are the first to do this, but I would be very happy to teach. Maybe we are forerunners. In any case, the new municipal councils inspire me; concerns have evolved. The identity of municipalities is now a matter of concern. Beauty, we want to keep it! »

Benefits and questions

Following the entry into force of these citations, the renovation work on the exterior envelope of the heritage buildings of Beloeil will be able to benefit from subsidies from the Quebec Ministry of Culture and from the municipality.

“By citing and protecting buildings, we can help improve their condition and ensure their preservation,” explains the mayor. Me, I want to work for the long term, not so that everything always has to start over. »

Isn’t she worried that subsequent administrations will be able to sweep this initiative under the rug? The case of Stanstead, which had cited the oldest customs post in Canada to protect it, but which now intends to demolish it, is it not an example of what can happen?

“There is a power to undo what we do. It’s true. If the government encourages us to cite buildings to protect them and preserve the appearance of our towns and villages, it should not be subject to far-fetched decisions, only to change everything afterwards. »

“I must say that I hadn’t thought of that possibility… It’s unfortunate to think of that. In fact, some elements in the law remain to be clarified… We have some good questions to ask the government! We must also give ourselves the means to follow up in the future on what we want to protect, for the benefit of all citizens. »

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