“No offense to Madame Borne, we have the right not to have her position which is complacent with the vision that Mr. Netanyahu would like to establish of the conflict,” said the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis on Sunday on franceinfo.
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“All of this is totally out of place and out of step with the seriousness of the situation”, declared on franceinfo Sunday October 8 Éric Coquerel deputy La France Insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis responding to Élisabeth Borne. The Prime Minister thus denounced the “revolting ambiguities” from part of the left “faced with the drama of recent hours“. “The armed offensive by Palestinian forces led by Hamas comes in a context of intensification of the Israeli occupation policy in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem”indicated in a press release on the social network X (formerly Twitter) the parliamentary group of the radical left party.
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“We expect the Prime Minister of France to take another path than to exploit what is happening with Israel and Palestine for internal political purposes in order to demonize her opposition”castigates Éric Coquerel. “With all due respect to Madame Borne, we have the right not to have her position which is complacent with the vision that Mr. Netanyahu would like to establish of the conflict, he would like to make it a conflict between the good that he would embody with all the powers Western societies and the evil that the Palestinians embody. We are closer to the traditional French position, that is to say, that of the side of the UN resolutions”explains MP Éric Coquerel.
“An episode that I obviously do not support”
For the deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis, “any civilian victim in a conflict of this type is to be deplored. Any act of terror is to be deplored”. Éric Coquerel denounces “state terrorism installed by Israel through colonization, annexation and occupation”. For him it is not a subjective position because “this is what the Israeli army practices in Gaza, a territory that it occupies, which it annexes and installs settlers in the West Bank against all UN resolutions”.
“If we want to give peace a chance, France should find the voice it had since De Gaulle, it should ask for a ceasefire and negotiations based on an end to the occupation , annexation and colonization”.
Éric Coquerel, LFI deputyon franceinfo
What is happening now, “this is an episode that I obviously don’t support”notably “the Hamas way of doing things” Who “is contrary to the interests of the Palestinian people”. Hamas “is a movement that practices a form of terror just as the Israeli army practices a form of state terrorism in a situation where it is against UN resolutions because it continues to colonize, annex and occupy a people “.