She said, she lied! Marine Le Pen changes her mind about her political future!

Despite the Yellow Vests crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the increase in gasoline prices, to name but a few examples, the French have decided to trust Emmanuel Macron again. Although these events took place during the mandate of the companion of Brigitte Macron, no one really knows if another person in his place would have better managed these crises. Some think that Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, or even Éric Zemmour, if they had found themselves in the place of the 8th President of the Republic of the Fifth Republic, would have allowed the French to have more freedoms, a better purchasing power and no need to present a vaccination pass. But with ifs, we remake the world…

In any case, Emmanuel Macron indeed has a second mandate and will govern the country for the next five years. What about the future of his opponent? A few weeks ago, with our colleagues from JDD Marine Le Pen assured it, or rather foreshadowed it: if she lost in the second round, her political career could come to an end. “A priori, I will not represent myself”she confessed before reassuring her supporters: “But I will continue to […] defend the French. I don’t know in which position, but in the one where I will be the most efficient”.

Marine Le Pen candidate for 2027?

Ideas that she confirmed just a few hours ago. Indeed, the one who has just lost for the second time against Emmanuel Macron during a presidential election, took the floor just after the announcement of the results to share her projects with her supporters. The candidate RN opening his speech by expressing his concern to see the companion of Brigitte Macron once again at the head of the country.

“I fear this evening that the five-year term that is opening will not break with the contemptuous and brutal practices of the previous one… And that Emmanuel Macron will do nothing to repair the fractures which divide the country and make our compatriots suffer”she declared at first before making the long-awaited announcement by a large part of the French: “So yes, to avoid this grabbing of power by a few, more than ever, I will continue my commitment to France and the French people with the energy, perseverance and affection that you know me”. It remains to be seen whether Marine Le Pen is referring here to an upcoming candidacy in five years or simply her wish to continue in politics, in any position.

See also: Marine Le Pen gets involved!


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