She sacrifices her life for the fights

Boxer Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire, who literally sacrificed her life for combat sports, does not yet know if she will return to the arena following her loss by unanimous decision of the judges in a unification bout against the Briton Natasha Jonas in England last Saturday.

• Read also: Was this Dicaire’s last fight?

• Read also: Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire did not have the upper hand against Natasha Jonas

As part of her first interview given to a Quebec media, the pugilist mentioned to Isabelle Maréchal, on QUB radio, that she should not make a decision when her emotions are still on edge. “I am a girl of heart and very instinctive. Often I am unpredictable. However, with regard to decisions related to the rest of my career, I will take this with a clear head, taking into consideration what my team will advise me to do.

For 30 years, she has been punched in the face. “I sacrificed my life for combat sports. It’s already a miracle that my body was able to last all this time. This is to be taken into consideration. Granted, I don’t like to lose, but I have to make sure I weigh the pros and cons. I am 36 years old and have my whole life ahead of me. In addition, I have no injury that mortgages me in the long term.

Called to return to her duel, the boxer stressed that she entered the ring in the best preparation of her career. “I was at the peak of my physical and mental shape. I had confidence in our game plan. However, boxing is like life, there are always imponderables and we have to react. That’s what we did, but it wasn’t enough to save ourselves with victory. I’m disappointed with the result, but I’m proud of how far my team has come to get to this unification fight.

During this confrontation, the Quebec sportswoman looked like an underdog, a role in which she is familiar and felt very comfortable. “We knew we were going to fight in front of a hostile crowd and in a difficult environment. Surprisingly, it’s as if I had conquered the hearts of the English, because I left with an ovation”, mentioned the athlete, adding that she would be curious to cross swords again with Natasha Jonas.

A distant passion

From the age of six, Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire wanted to make a living with a combat sport.

“I am an athlete who took a tangent towards boxing. It would have been difficult to find a sport more reserved for men than boxing. It added a bit of spice to this adventure. I don’t stop at comments on social networks. Those who allow themselves to speak do not represent the majority of people.

“I have incredible support from the people of Quebec. I have this career, because the public bought tickets for my fights. There will always be criticism. The moment we try to change things, we make ourselves vulnerable to criticism. But it will take me more than that to stop promoting women’s sport around the world.

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