she reveals her new mammograms

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is in heaven : his cancer is an old story! The singer, who was First Lady between 2007 and 2012, revealed a few weeks ago having fought breast cancer with strength and brilliance, in 2019. An announcement which greatly moved the Web, during which she remained silent, with simple signs on which she spoke of her fight against the disease: “Four years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy, I follow the usual path to treat this type of cancer. But I was lucky: my cancer was not yet aggressive. Why was this cancer not aggressive? It’s because he didn’t have time to become one. Because every year on the same date, I have a mammogram. If I hadn’t done this every year, I wouldn’t have a left breast today..

A few hours after her post which quickly went viral, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was able to count on the support of Valérie Trierweiler, who had shared the video of her colleague from the Elysée, and who also revealed that she had been informed by the latter of her illness a few months earlier. This Saturday, October 28, 2023, Carla Bruni revealed good news to her fans: supporting images of her mammogramand which she was delighted to share with her community of fans, the singer and mother of Giulia Sarkozy revealed that the news was more than happy, and that the crab was indeed killed!

“I am one of them”

Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife wanted to caption this good news by raising awareness again among the women who follow her: “One in eight women will have breast cancer. I am one of them. So I am taking advantage of this month of pink October to deliver a message: get your mammograms”recalled the fifty-year-old, who had to undergo numerous treatments to combat this illness, from surgery to radiotherapy, including hormone therapy. The singer, however, managed to escape chemotherapy… because her breast cancer was diagnosed quickly!

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