For weeks the affair has been making the rounds of the Dancing with the Stars teams, behind the scenes. And finally, Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier’s falling out became very public this week. The first shared a series of stories on Instagram to tell her whole truth, on March 24, 2024, and the second followed suit to do the same on March 25, 2024. And while social networks get involved and bring it to life hell to the two candidates of the TF1 show, the testimony against Vincent McDoom concerning Natasha St-Pier, should not help matters.
“His attitude towards me was anything but nice…”
He who had participated in the very first season of The celebrity farm, in 2004, said he had a bad experience with the singer of “You will find”. On Instagram, he explained this March 26, 2024, in English: “I had my own meeting with Natasha St-Pier on a film we were supposed to star in. His attitude towards me was anything but nice…”
And to add: “She made me feel uncomfortable and complained constantly. She walked out of the project without any explanation and made me feel like it was my fault, because of my acting. It was a very traumatic moment for me. She displays this beautiful smile but her energy is different, I say this because of my personal experience with her.“.
What do the two women say?
Enough to turn the tide, while Natasha St-Pier was the last to speak out on the matter last night. On Instagram, she detailed the reasons which pushed her to file a handrail to report her misadventure with the comedian to the police. Namely: the torrent of threats she received from the comedian, as well as her silence in the face of his apologies, which made her fear the worst…
For her part, the ex-wife of Kevin Debonne assured that she was the victim of a gigantic mistake, specifying that she was the first victim, of Natasha St-Pier, who opened the hostilities by insulting her, and firing her from his rehearsal room.