“She lost half of her face”: Benjamin Castaldi confides in the tragedy that affected his family

On Tuesday, September 6, an 18-month-old baby girl was violently bitten to the head, arm and throat by his dog, an American wolfdog who is not recognized as a domestic by the Central Canine Society. Supported by a team of firefighters, she was transported to the Lille hospital center. His vital prognosis is fortunately not engaged but this puts the debate on euthanasia for violent animals back on the table.

A debate launched by Cyril Hanouna in Do not touch My TV Wednesday evening which turned out to be very lively. Indeed, there were those who were against the idea of ​​killing the animal even though it would cause accidents, namely Guillaume Genton or Gilles Verdez, and there were those who saw no other solution. Benjamin Castaldi was part of this second category. “There is no debate: an animal that has attacked a man can no longer stay on earth. This is the basic rule. I want to protect my children and the people who are around. A dog that has tasted blood should be removed“, he judged.

It must be said that Simon Castaldi’s father had a traumatic personal experience with dog bites. He confided that a member of his family had been seriously victimized. “Me, I have seen accidents. I have a little cousin who lost half her face and also from the throat, with the blood like that, you could see his trachea, on picked up my little cousin’s cheek on the table with vocal cords exposed and it stopped inches from the jugular“, he reported. A shocking accident that still leaves him today with sequelae. “She has a breathing apparatus. What do we do afterwards? I don’t care about the dog! It’s a horror“, he let go.

A speech which however did not change Guillaume Genton’s mind. “I’m tired of people considering a dog as a subspecies. Like an object that we throw in the trash and that we kill as soon as there is a problem. They are living beings with sentient beings. They have the right to live. There are other ways than killing them to put them out of harm’s way“, he reported.

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