“She lies !” : Paul Belmondo and his wife Luana tease each other in Tous en cuisine

Every evening, Cyril Lignac multiplies the recipes with anonymous people and personalities, sometimes with a few unexpected sequences … On January 6, the famous chef and TV host received Paul and Luana Belmondo, from their kitchen in Rome, Italy.

The couple were delighted to participate in the M6 ​​show even if, for Luana, the challenge was not really scary for her who is also the chef. So, she cooked revisited potato ravioli with her husband. “Today, I would like to honor the great chef Paul, because he knows how to cook very well“, she joked from the start while her husband admitted playing the assistant for the recipe of the day. While Cyril Lignac asked him if Paul cooked a little at home, she was very frank! “Listen, absolutely not! And when I say absolutely no, it’s nothing at all. Paul, admit it!“, she blurted out.

Falsely outraged, the 58-year-old actor, who goes on tour with the play Boeing Boeing, then reacted. “It’s not true, every day she lies“, assured the son of the late Jean-Paul Belmondo. Compassionate, Cyril Lignac reassured his guest.”I wouldn’t cook if I was with Luana. She cooks so well that you don’t have to do anything. That’s what’s good. You chose well!“, he retorted. There is no doubt that Luana Belmondo would however have liked to have a slightly more efficient kitchen assistant by his side.”We fight a bit, because in fact he yells at me“, she added. Fortunately, the couple finished their recipe on time …

During the M6 ​​show – which ends this Friday, January 7 – Luana Belmondo had a smile on her face, no doubt happy to be able to continue to show the general public her cooking skills after having been the victim of a hard blow. last summer: his surprise eviction from RTL. She had been running a food column on the radio since 2018 and was thanked, according to her, because of her accent …

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